Knowing the Environment (হার্ডকভার)
Knowing the Environment (হার্ডকভার)
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The book ` Knowing the Environment', as i perceive, provides materials needed for students and other learners to gain Knowledge towards country-specific environmental problems and solutions. Although the book in designed to understand environment as a whole, from the globe's point of view, but it also covers up regional and local problems and solutions from the planing and management point of view. The contents are rich enough with adequate description and data, and interestingly, the contents have maintained an environmental chronology. Besides, synopsis and some exclusive issues highlighted in the book are very timely about environmental problems that threaten the globe. Part 1 of this book includes environmental issues and tools to understand environment, besides having some specific environmental problems of Bangladesh. Part 2 presents a demo project and the state of environment, along with synopsis and hundreds of glossaries and technical information. However, again, some of the basic guidelines, particularly those on how to translate technical information for lay-persons, should prove helpful for those working and studying on environment. With a few words i happily congratulate Hasan Zahid on his pioneering work in an arena where such a piece of work is so much of a pressing need.

Title : Knowing the Environment
Author : হাসান জাহিদ
Publisher : ন্যাশনাল পাবলিকেশন
ISBN : 984711160
Edition : 2008
Number of Pages : 240
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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